Tuesday, February 1, 2011


today we conducted workshop at st.johns school sponsored by lions club of -PINAKINI,
the trainer came from my parent(debut) club-JUNIOR CHAMBER Int.JC.HGF.BKS.DEEPAK,MBA,MA,Soft Skill National Trainer in association with SOSO.

In this work shop he took seminars in Memory power techniques,time management,goal setting,leadership skills,writing,listining,reading skills,memory skills,relaxation techniques.
It was utilised by 250 students it was very much useful for stress release and very much intiative for them for their exams,it would definetly improve their marks in their exams.
Sister.Tessy head mistress introduced trainer our lions-pinakini LN.V.S.PRASAD RAO,MJF,President,Ln.DVS.KUMAR,Secretary,Ln.J.CHANDRASEKHAR,MJF,Treasurer & Secretary SOSO,Ln.D.SUNIL,Ln.CH.YUGANDHAR,E.C,Vice-President-SOSO 

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